Can’t see text in Yahoo Messenger.
Yahoo Messenger Blank Appear in Chat Box, No Text Message On Screen.
What to do if yahoo messenger does not display text?
Why text on yahoo instant messenger does not appear?
No text on yahoo chat window, why?
No text shows up in Yahoo Messenger.
Yahoo Messenger – No text – Invisible Text.
No text on yahoo messenger window.
Yahoo messenger blank chat window.
You can face the above issue on any windows machine, as some virus can cause this bug in Yahoo Messenger.
You may have run anti-virus or anti-malware scan but you will have to make a little registry change, as the virus adds a zone entry in the registry which results the yahoo text disappearing issue.
The zone entry can be found at following location of your windows registry,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones
First Sign Out from Yahoo Messenger and Exit Yahoo from the Notification area located near system clock at the bottom, right corner of your screen.
To open registry go to Run and type regedit.
Go to the above specified registry location.
As there should be only 5 zone keys from 0 to 4, but you will find one extra zone key and it could have a box as name.
Right click the key with box and delete.
Note: Before editing any registry entry its good practice to take a backup of registry.
(How to Back up and Restore Registry in Windows)
Be careful and do not touch the other zone keys (0 to 4).
Close regedit and restart your PC.
Connect Yahoo Messenger and enjoy Chating.
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