Solution for,
511 Error connecting to C:\Program…\vmserverdWin32.exe process.
Unable to connect VMware Host from VMware Server Console.
Unable to turn On VMs hosted on VMware Server.
I have a VMware server runing in my office. since it was rebooted last time i was unable to connect to VMware on “VMware Server Console”
All the VMs were OFF and there wasn’t any way for turning those ON.
The error i found each time i tried to connect to VMware was,
“511 Error connecting to C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmserverdWin32.exe process.”
I started searching for its solution and found that it could be because of a stopped service named “Net Logon”.
I went to Start > Run
Typed services.msc
Scrolled down to “Net Logon”
It was not running.
I started it and tried to open VMware Server Console, but still getting same error 🙁
I thought i may have to reboot the machine but it could take much time.
So, i went to services and restarted all the VMware Services,
VMware Authorization Service
VMware DHCP Service
VMware NAT Service
VMware Registration Service
Stopped one by one and started again from top to bottom.
This resolved the VMware 511 Error and i was able to connect to VMware Server Console and successfuly Turned ON all the VMs hosted on the same server. 🙂
You may face same error when you install VMware Server on WinXP or on any other OS which does not have running “Net Logon” service.
Or it is also possible that you will not find any service with the name “Net Logon”
In this case you will need to install “Client for Microsoft Networks”.
For this goto “Control Panel” > “Network Connections”
Right Click “Local Area Connection”
Click on Properties
and Install “Client for Microsoft Networks”
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