Solution for,
Disconnect network drive
Stop a network drive from automatically mapping
Disconnect mapped drive with “Reconnect at logon” setting
How to Disconnect a Mapped Network Drive
How do I unmap a disconnected network drive
Disconnect network drive with “net use” command line command
Normally we can disconnect a Mapped Network drive easily with a few mouse clicks
Go to Computer (My Computer)
Right click on Mapped Drive
Select Disconnect
But sometimes it becomes difficult. The same steps doesn’t help disconnecting the mapped drive and the system keeps showing the drives.
The drive must have been connected with an option of “Reconnect at logon” and the destination system became unavailable. The reason could be network disconnection or the destination system’s decommissioning. Your system keeps trying to connect the network drive.
To disconnect such mapped drive follow the below steps,
Goto Command Prompt (Press Window key + R and Type CMD on Run)
Type following commands
net use {driveletter}: /d
net use /persistent:no
For example if your mapped drive letter is Z
net use Z: /d
Following is the detail of net use command,
[devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume] [password | *]]
[/USER:[dotted domain name\]username]
[/USER:[username@dotted domain name]
NET USE {devicename | *} [password | *] /HOME
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