RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. These are the primary colors of Light and can be mixed together to produce other colors.
Any new color depends upon how much of each Red, Green and Blue color we use.
In computers we use two different number systems to represent the amount of each color in RGB.
Decimal Number System
Hexadecimal Number System
Colors/Number System |
Red | Green | Blue |
Decimal Range | 0 to 255 | 0 to 255 | 0 to 255 |
Hexadecimal Range | 00 to FF | 00 to FF | 00 to FF |
RGB with its minimum values, all the 0 (zero) makes Black Color
#000000 |
and with its maximum values 255 or FF makes White Color.
Some online tools have made it easy to work with colors and generate the codes for any color.
HEX Color Code Generator
Matching Color Code Generator
Following are some websites which offers different online tools.
This website has βHTML Color Code Chartβ andΒ βHTML Color Pickerβ
And also has answers to the following,
How to use HTML color codes?
HTML Color Codes Theory.
You can find βThe RGB Color Calculatorβ and βHTML Color HEX Code Generatorβ on the above website.
Hex Color Generator: Using this online tool you can generate Hex Color Code working with RGB scrollbar and Color Palettes.
Color Schemer Online: Users can get different color scheme by entering RGB or HEX value or Clicking on Color Palettes. The tool also provides options to lighten or darken the color schemes.
The website also has an application βColorSchemer Studio 2β downloadable for Windows and MAC OS.
Color Code Generator: has a color chart with Color Name, HEX Code and RGB Code. Using the Test option the color can be viewed on same web page.
Color Picker: a simple hexadecimal color code generator.
The Color Wizard: a color matching application for anyone who wants to create designs with great looking colors.
With the help of RGB scrollbar you can generate a color and the tool will show a number of Matching Colors with HEX Code of each.
Color Scheme Designer: The best online tool to design and decide the Color scheme for a website. The tool can show a complete webpage example with the selected color scheme.
Color Jack: Another online color tool which helps to decide the color scheme.
Color Palette Generator: This tool can generate the color palette of any image. The users are asked to enter the URL of the image.
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